SW Tree Surgeons

Reduce the risk of fire to your home and your commercial property.

Trees are extremely beneficial and add a nice aesthetic to your garden, but they can also be extremely dangerous. Tree fires are extremely common, and the worst part is that they can quickly become out of control.
This is why, if you want to reduce the risk of your trees catching fire, it is highly recommended that you seek the assistance of a tree arborist to inspect your trees and use safe hazard reduction methods to reduce the risk of fire damage to your home and office.

SW Tree Surgeons are experts in fire hazard reduction and know exactly how to keep your residential and commercial property safe from fire.

Many homes and businesses are surrounded by bushland and large trees, which become extremely dry in the summer and pose a significant fire risk to properties and local communities. As a result, it is preferable to take preventative measures before major damage occurs.
So, how will you know if your trees are at risk of catching fire?
  • Excessive leaf loss, dead roots, and branches.
  • Dry or brittle limbs that fall
  • The tree’s frail bark is falling off.
If you notice any of these on your trees, let us know. It may pose a fire hazard. The best way to avoid this is to remove it as soon as possible. You can get assistance from a tree arborist if you have this problem.

How will you know if your trees are at risk of catching fire?

Tree Spacing

The general idea of tree spacing is to create suitable and clear space between trees and shrubs to slow or even prevent the spread of wildfire on your property.

Keep your trees in good condition on a regular basis.

It is important to inspect your trees to see if they have dead leaves or branches that are flammable and pose a significant risk.

  • Roof gutters should be cleaned to remove any dead branches, sticks, debris, or leaf litter that has fallen in. This material is dry and extremely flammable.
  • Keeping the area around your home or business clear by mowing and slashing long grass and shrubs, as well as keeping the property clean and tidy.
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